My Unreal Life

Friday, February 13, 2009

Can Cows Walk Down Stairs?

Okay, this post is about a philosophical question and I have not posted in days. I was inspired by Ms Candice Lim to post about such stuff.
The question for today is "Can cows walk down stairs?"You might not have heard of this question before but it actually poses a dilemma for people who have been asked this.
The answer is actually no.
Why? You may ask, for the explanation of this question, you have to pretend that you are a cow.If that is not possible for you (for whatever reason),then just try to think like a three year old child would. When walking up stairs, the weight is on your hinds legs, (I'm referring to the movement of a cow) and thus your knees can help to push you up.
Now, when walking down a flight of stairs, the mentality of a cow or a three year old boy would be as such"I'm scared that I will fall down, the probability of me falling down seems very high."Also, when walking down, the weight is on the front legs which increase the chance of falling down headfirst. Of course, a kid or a cow would not analyse it this way, but when they see that the ground is very "far" away they get scared and thus refuse to walk down.
This is also the reason why parents have no problems in getting their children to walk UP stairs but they have to teach the children to get down which needs a lot of patience.
Up till now, you might have some queries. One of the questions you might have been dying to ask is "How come then can cows walk down hills in shows and movies?"
The answer is actually very simple. When you walk down a hill you have no steps which leads the cows to believe very strongly that they will no fall as in a sense, it is a "smooth" surface not like stairs.

Sunday, February 8, 2009

Finished Annotating 'The Taximan'

Well, today I finished annotating 'The Taximan' and I was inspired to post about my thoughts after reading the story.

I feel that the author has carved the story in a beautiful way, and the hints given in the story are subtle. This makes the reader stop at the end of each paragraph to ponder about what would happen next. that is the mark of a good writer, being able to influence and affect readers to read on.

The irony of this story is such that the taximan is opposes his daughter hanging out with boys after school, however, he seems very supportive of other students hanging out with their friends after school. The plot is a well crafted one, with the characters being very "Singaporean". This also brings out the author's unique style of writing.

Bascially, I feel no pity for any of the characters of the story as they are all wrong in their different ways.

Finally, I would like to say that although the story has a simple plot, it is actually quite a nice read and would like to recommend the book to all lovers of short stories.

P.S. The title of the book is "Little Ironies: Stories Of Singapore"


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