Finished Annotating 'The Taximan'
Well, today I finished annotating 'The Taximan' and I was inspired to post about my thoughts after reading the story.
I feel that the author has carved the story in a beautiful way, and the hints given in the story are subtle. This makes the reader stop at the end of each paragraph to ponder about what would happen next. that is the mark of a good writer, being able to influence and affect readers to read on.
The irony of this story is such that the taximan is opposes his daughter hanging out with boys after school, however, he seems very supportive of other students hanging out with their friends after school. The plot is a well crafted one, with the characters being very "Singaporean". This also brings out the author's unique style of writing.
Bascially, I feel no pity for any of the characters of the story as they are all wrong in their different ways.
Finally, I would like to say that although the story has a simple plot, it is actually quite a nice read and would like to recommend the book to all lovers of short stories.
P.S. The title of the book is "Little Ironies: Stories Of Singapore"
At February 12, 2009 at 10:46 PM ,
CANDICE! said...
Heya Jun Xian(: It's great that you took the initiative to blog about your post-reading reflections on 'Taximan'.I found it interesting that you blogged on the chicken or egg question too! If philosophy is your passion then do ensure that you enrich this blog with your perceptive and philosophical thoughts(: You really shouldn't forget your homework- I haven't seen a single post here that's homework related!Try to be more observant and insightful when it comes to posting about your life/current events too (:
At March 4, 2009 at 2:14 PM ,
Inventorz said...
Hiya! Nice blog here but you haven't been updating? Still, i agree with the irony in the taximan's story. The taximan seemed to be rather supportive of the other students hanging out and making love outside school. That is because there is money to be made. This proves that money can be the only thing that can change the mindset of the people. hence, it is also money that is the root of evil as money causes many people to do the wrong things just for the sake of money.
At March 4, 2009 at 2:18 PM ,
Inventorz said...
Hiya Jun Xian! Nice blog here. But you haven't been updating? Any way, i agree with the irony in the story. The taximanseems rather supportive of the school kids hangingout and making love after school but yet detests his own daughter doing so. That is because there is money to be made. This proves that money can change the mindset of many people. This coulde lesd to more wrong doings commited as money could be the root of evil. Only with money will people agree to doing or committing crimes.
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